Site icon Recca Chao

PHP Fundamentals Course

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This course is designed to help students quickly get started with PHP, covering everything from foundational concepts to implementing entry-level projects. In this class you’ll learn:

  1. PHP Language Basics
    • Variables and data types
    • Operators and conditional statements
    • Loops and flow control
  2. Common PHP Functions and Operations
    • String manipulation and regular expressions
    • Array and collection operations
    • Date and time management
  3. Composer Usage
    • Installing and basic operations of Composer
    • Managing packages and dependencies with Composer
    • Integrating third-party libraries into projects
  4. Handling Requests and Responses
    • Basics of HTTP requests and responses in PHP
    • Retrieving data from GET and POST requests
    • Setting HTTP headers and handling response status codes
  5. Intro to SESSION and COOKIE
    • Enabling and using SESSION
    • Setting and managing COOKIE
    • Differences and common use cases of SESSION and COOKIE

This course is ideal for beginners in backend development or those looking to strengthen their PHP fundamentals.

If you are interested in this course, feel free to contact me.

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